目的 探讨应用口外颌骨牵引成骨装置治疗颌面畸形。方法 使用自行设计制作的口外颌骨牵引成骨装置和上颌杠杆式牵引支架分别水平延长下颌骨 ,水平快速前移上颌骨 ,垂直延长下颌骨升支 ,水平延长下颌骨颏部 ,用以矫正小下颌畸形 ,下颌骨颏部外伤性骨缺损 ,小颌偏颌畸形 ,半侧颜面肥大畸形 ,咬合平面倾斜和唇腭裂术后上颌后缩等 ,共 11例。结果 4例不同类型下颌骨牵引成骨 ,其中有 1例在牵引过程中 1根克氏针发生松动 ,旋转 ,最终将克氏针取出。 1例下颌升支垂直牵引 4根克氏针发生轻度弯曲。 7例唇腭裂上颌后缩行LeFortI型截骨快速牵引成骨中有1例固定期后 1个月出现对刃合并有轻度开咬合。最终 11例治疗效果满意。结论 口外颌骨牵引成骨装置治疗下颌骨复杂畸形。LeFortI型截骨快速牵引成骨治疗唇腭裂术后上颌后缩是一种安全简便效果可靠的有效方法。
Objective To study the application of extraoral distraction devices in correction of various maxillo-mandibular deformities. Methods From 1997, 11 cases with various maxillo-mandibular deformities were corrected by distraction devices of designed by myself. 7 cases of then were the patients with cleft palate who have severe secondary maxillary hypoplasia. 1 case with micrognathia, 1 case with partial mandibular mentum defect, 1 case with lateral deviation of micrognathia and 1 case with hemimandibular hypertrophy. The mandibles were elongated, from 12 mm to 20mm, the maxillae were elongated from 7 mm to 22 mm, the vertical mandibular distraction was 15 mm. Results All cases were corrected satisfactorily and haven't any complications. In 1 cases the 1 Kischners pin had been pull out by loosen during distration. 4 Kischners pin were curved during vertical mandibular distration. Another case the maxillary hypoplasia appeared edge-to-edge and mild open occlusion after 4 weeks fixation. Conclusion The extraoral distration osteogenesis provides a new method with many advantages for those maxillo-mandibular deformities that are difficultly corrected by ordinary orthognathic surgery.;
Chinese Journal of Plastic Surgery