以羟丙甲基纤维素 (HPMC)为骨架材料 ,采用湿法制粒 ,制备钩藤总碱缓释片。以体外释放度实验研究了缓释片的释药机理及其影响因素。结果表明 :钩藤总碱凝胶骨架片的释放符合Higuchi方程 ,其释放速度受多种因素的影响 ,如HPMC、乳糖、微晶纤维素的用量 。
The HPMC marix tablet of gambirplant were prepared by the wet method,using hydroypropylmethylcellulose(HPMC) as the matrix material .The release character was investigated through the dissolution tests. The result showed that the gambirplant's releasing rate from the tablets followed the Higuchi equation. The releasing constant might be controlled or adjusted by some formulation and processing factors, such as type of HPMC,lactose, presence of addition.
Journal of Tonghua Normal University