目的 本文对飞行员红细胞刚性指数的测定,探讨其刚性指数与高空飞行的相关性特点。对象 选择30例健康男性飞行员,机种为歼击机,年龄24~44岁,设同龄地面健康男性30例为对照。方法 取空腹静脉血加入EDTA二钾抗凝管中,应用R—80血液流变仪测定。结果 飞行人员红细胞刚性指数(平均3.94±0.74)较地面人员(平均为3.32±0.82)明显增加(P<0.05)。讨论 本结果显示飞行人员红细胞刚性指数高于同年龄组地面人员,可能与长期高空飞行使机体供氧能力下降或刚性指数代偿性增高有关。
Objective To find out the relation between RBC rigid index and altitude flying. Methods The blood samples was detected by R -80 blood rheological system. Results The RBC rigid index of pilot (x ± s,3. 94 ± 0. 74)was significantly higher than that of men working on the ground (x ± s,3. 32 ± 0. 82)(P<0. 05). Conclusion The elevation of the RBC rigid index of pilot was probably caused by long-term altitude flying which made the boby mot acquire the ample oxgen and result in changing of physiologic accommodation.
Chinese Journal of Convalescent Medicine