我国高校学报领域存在着侵犯作者著作权的现象 ,编辑部及其编辑对学报论文的著作权归属不明晰 ,导致对作者的修改权和经济权的侵犯 ,如不征得作者同意 ,对作品进行实质性修改 ;擅自不支付稿费 ,或者随意降低稿酬标准 ;不按《著作权法》规定尽编辑的告知义务等。学报编辑应增强法律意识和加强著作权法知识的学习 ,培养良好的职业道德 。
It exists serious phenomenon of infringing author's copyright in the field of university's journal. Editorial departments and editors are not clear about the adscription of copyright of journal thesis. This causes the infringement of the modification right and economic right to authors: revise the characters at will; revise the content of the thesis without authorization; do not pay for an article or reduce the standard of the remuneration at will; and don't tell the authors what they should know according to “copyright law' etc. Editors should strengthen legal consciousness, work hard at copyright law and train good professional ethics to avoid possible moral or legal dispute.
Journal of Henan University of Science & Technology(Social science)