橄榄星室木虱在林间 1年发生 6代 ,形成 2~ 3个危害峰 ;在苗圃 1年发生 8代 ,形成 4~ 5个危害峰。其发生及消长受橄榄的抽梢次数、气候条件、天敌种类、寄主品种等因素影响。橄榄抽梢次数多且不整齐 ,是造成害虫防治困难的主要原因。
In this paper, the occurrence dynamics of Pseudophaco pt eron canarium in forestry and nursery was reported. The factors affect dynamic s of pests including pullulation, climate, natural enemies and host species, th e confusion of pullulation is a key factor that makes controlling the pests diff icult.
Forestry Science and Technology of Guangdong Province
广东省农业科技攻关项目"橄榄害虫防治技术研究"(2KM0 3 0 0 2N和 2 0 0 3c2 0 5 19)内容之一