研究探讨将Conconi测试应用于徒步定向体能训练的方法及其实用价值。结果表明 ,进行徒步定向现场Conconi测试是可行的 ;以心率阈值区间进行徒步定向现场体能训练 ,训练效果明显优于传统的WatsonFartlek训练 ,但是Conconi测试确定的心率阈值与传统的VT、LT及最大乳酸稳定状态并不一致 。
The research approaches Conconi test applicati on to orienteering the means to physical training and value in fact. The result sh ows it is feasible to enforce Conconi test the field in orienteering. Physical t raining in the heart rate threshold area effect obviously to be superior to trad ition Watson Fartlek training,yet certain heart rate thresshold of Conconi test is against tradition VT,LT and the maximum lactic acid steady state not at all u nanimously,hence how to definite the optima heart rate threshold area carry out application research further.
Hubei Sports Science