阐述了鹿泉市在发展城郊型县域农业产业化经营过程中抓的 6大环节 :一是强化政府主导和助力作用 ,二是确定培育主导产业 ,三是创建龙头企业 ,四是发展壮大生产基地 ,五是抓好社会化服务 。
This paper expounds 6 key links by Luquan City in developing management of agriculture industrialization of county level at outskirts. 1) To reinforce the leading and assistant roles of the local government, 2) to define and culture the leading industries, 3) to create and establish bellwether enterprises, 4) to develop and extend production base, 5) to improve social service, 6) to explore interest connecting mechanism.
Chinese Journal of Agricultural Resources and Regional Planning