140 patients with brain arteriovenous malformations(AVMs) were treated by silk suture and liquid adhesive agents embolization, and were followed up with an-giography, TCD and clinically from 4 to 42 months. The result is favourable in 124 cases (88. 6%); deficit in 10 cases (7. 1%); unfavourable in 6 cases (4. 2%). The AVMs were totally obliterated in 30 cases (21. 4% ). 2 patients had hemorrhage and brain edema immediately after embolization, 16 patients had vasospasm during the operation, but no permanent neurological deficits occured,small sized AVMs can be cured by endovascular treatment,but in middle and large sized AVM,embolization can reduce the size and blood flow in it, thus provided a favorable condition for microsurgry and radiosurgery. Both silk suture and liquid adhesive agent are used satisfactorily for embolization.