为加强广西地方防御 ,明中央抽调了湖广、广东和贵州的卫所军前去轮番戍守。本文探讨了广西班军的缘起、创制、数量、班期和组织管理等 ,并结合广西与贵州、湖广和广东三地围绕班军存废的争论 ,考评班军制度的合理性、积极意义和存在的问题 ,纠正了“班军属于军事移民”的错误观点。
In order to strengthen the local defense of Guangxi province, the central government of the Ming Dynasty transferred some troops from the guarding posts of Huguang, Guangdong and Guizhou and sent them to Guangxi to garrison the frontier in shifts. This paper discusses the origin, establishment, amount, cycle and organization management etc. It also argues that Guangxi, Guizhou and Huguang disputed if this system should continue or be abrogated. It also studies the rationality, active significance and problems of the Banjun system. Besides, the paper also corrects the wrong view that “Banjun is military migration”.$$$$
China's Borderland History and Geography Studies