在明代276年间,华南气候经过多次振动发 生了由暖到寒的转变。这一转变对当时华南地区的农业产生 过较大的影响:一方面,由于气候振动,气象灾害时常发生,伤 害了劳动力资源,破坏了耕地和其它农业设施,扰乱了农业生 产的秩序。另一方面,由于气候由暖转寒,影响了农作物的组 合,使粮食作物和经济作物的地理分布有了改变。此外,气候 转寒以后,砍伐森林、破坏植被、滥杀动物的情况不断发生,也 在一定的程度上破坏了农业的生态环境。从某种意义上说,气 候变化是制约明代华南农业发展的一个重要因素。
In the Ming's 276 years, the climate of Hua Nan experienced repeated changes from being mild to cold, which exerted considerable influence on the agricultural production in this region. On one hand, the climate changes in some occasions disrupted the order of the agricultural production. With constant changes of climate, there occurred floods, droughts, windstorms and hails, blemishing the source of labor force and wrecking farming land and living facilities. On the other hand, new combination and distribution of crops were formed in many areas. With the changes of climate, the geographical distribution of grain crops and industrial crops changed as well, and new combinations of crops were formed consequently. This bore negative influence upon the then agricultural environment. After the weather turned cold, there were recurrent felling of forest, destroying of plants and killing of animals, which worsened the ecological environment of agriculture. The conclusion can be made that climate changes hindered in some degrees the development of agriculture in Hua Nan of the Ming Dynasty.
Journal of Chinese Historical Geography