AIM:To study the distribution of neuroglobin(NGB) gene in normal rat brain and the distribution of NGB gene in rats with hypoxic-ischemic damage (HID) so as to provide new way for the prevention and treatment of anoxic brain damage. METHODS:①After Wistar rats were perfused with 40 g/L paraformaldehyde phospho ric acid buffer,the brains were taken out and fixed in 40 g/L paraformaldehyde p hosphoric acid at 4℃.Liquid bacteria culture was performed with molecular biolo gy routine method,plasmid was purified and extracted,NGB plasmid linearity was m ade,NGBcRNA probe was used for labeling and distribution of NGBmRNA was detected in normal rat brain with in situ hybridization and histochemical method.②Wista r rats were randomized into 6 groups,and brain hypoxia-ischemia model was estab lished in the five groups,in which blood flow was blocked for 1,5,15,30 and 60 m inutes respectively.The rest one was used as control group(sham operation group) .Gene primer was designed,total RNA in brain tissue was extracted, mono-chain c DNA was synthesized through inverted-transcription,and results of PCR response was analyzed.The data were analyzed with Stata software by means of one-way mon o-agent analysis of variance. RESULTS:①Positive neurons of NGBmRNA were widely distributed in the normal ra t brains.The distribution of NGBmRNA positive cells was dense in cinguli cortex and pyriform cortex,and positive produce was concentrated in cytoplasm.NGBmRN po sitive cells were found in all the hippocampal areas. In forebrain nuclear mass, NGBmRN positive neurons were distributed in almond central nucleus,almond inside nucleus,almond cortex pronucleus, almond cortex postnucleus and piriform intran ucleus ether,while the NGBmRNA positive neurons in thalamus were scattered.Posit ive product of NGBmRNA in cerebellum was mainly distributed in Purkinje's cells. ②The expression of NGBmRNA was changed with time during hypoxia-ischemia as fo llows:At 1 minute of hypoxia-ischemia,the expression of NGBmRNA reached to the peak
Chinese Journal of Clinical Rehabilitation