目的 了解护理临床带教中的随意性和盲目性 ,根据美国教育家布卢姆的目标理论 ,将目标教学法应用于护生临床实习带教中。方法 均衡各种影响情况后选择 14个实习病区 ,分为 2组进行临床带教 :目标教学组与传统组。结果 目标教学组护生各项成绩明显高于传统组 (P <0 .0 5 ) ;带教老师、护生、患者三者相互满意情况 ,目标教学组亦明显好于传统组 (P <0 .0 5 )。结论 目标教学运用于临床护理实习中显示独特的优势 ,是一种有前途的护理临床带教方式。
Objective To avoid teaching nursing students randomly and aimlessly and to improve the qualities of nursing education, we applied objective teaching into the clinical, which stems out of the theories of American educationalist B.S.Bloom. Methods Fourteen wards were chosen and randomly divided into two groups, the objective teaching group and the traditional control group; all of he wards were paired in the factors that might influence the results of our study. Results The nursing students in objective teaching group got better scores in all items than those in traditional control group. Besides, compared with those counterparts in control group, teachers and students in objective teaching group felt more satisfied with each other (P<0.05), the patients in objective teaching group also had better impressions with the students (P<0.05). Conclusions The advantage of objective teaching is obvious, and we think it is a good teaching model in clinical nursing teaching.
Modern Nursing
Objective teaching Clinical teaching Qualities of education