世界进步潮流是科技革命和大工业触发第一次经济全球化的产物,是不可阻挡的客观存 在。生产力的大飞跃同时造就工业无产阶级和马克思主义。马克思主义的传播和社会主 义国家的出现。具有划时代进步意义,是世界进步潮流的组成部分。顺应世界进步潮流 既是马克思主义发展的本质要求。又有利于中国的和平发展。中国的和平发展将推动世 界进步潮流滚滚向前。
World progressive trends are the products of the first economic globalization brought about by the scientinc and technological revolution and the great industry. They are irresistible objective reality. The great leap of productivity brought up the industrial proletariat and Marxism. The spread of Marxism and the emergence of socialist countries, which are of epoch-making significance, are the component part of the world progressive trends. To conform to the world progressive trends is not only an essential requirement of the development of Marxism, but also beneficial to China's peaceful development. China's peaceful development will promote the world progressive trends.
International Studies