目的 :验证瑞美隆 (米氮平 )治疗抑郁症的疗效和安全性。 方法 :采用CCMD— 3抑郁症的诊断标准 ,对 3 2例抑郁症患者进行为期 6周的瑞美隆治疗。采用HAMD、CGI评定疗效 ,采用TESS、体检及实验室检查评价安全性。 结果 :在完成 6周治疗的 3 1例患者中 ,瑞美隆的有效率为 93 .6% ,治愈率为 74.2 %。主要不良反应是体重增加和嗜睡。结论 :瑞美隆是一种安全有效的抗抑郁药。
Objective:To explore the efficacy and safety of remeron (mitrazapine) treatment in depression. Methods:32 depressive patients who had the CCMD-3 diagnosis of depression were treated with remeron for 6 weeks. The efficacy was assessed by HAMD and CGI, and the safety was measured by TESS, physical examination and laboratory tests.Results:31 patients completed the study with an improvement rate of 93.6% and a clinical recovery rate of 74.2% in the remeron treatment. The main side effects were weight gain and drowsiness. Conclusion: Our study suggests that remeron is a safe and effective antidepressant.
Medical Journal of Chinese People’s Health