目的 评价神经妥乐平治疗 2型糖尿病周围神经病变的疗效及安全性。方法 上海地区 4家医院的 95例糖尿病神经病变患者入选本研究 ,并随机进入神经妥乐平组 (4 9例 )和弥可保组(4 6例 )。神经妥乐平组每天 1次静脉推注神经妥乐平针剂 ,每次 2支 ;2周后口服神经妥乐平片 ,每次 2片 ,每天 2次 ,共 2周。弥可保组每天 1次肌肉注射弥可保针剂 ,每次 1支 ;2周后口服弥可保片剂 ,每次 1片 ,每天 3次 ,共 2周。结果 经 4周治疗后 ,2组的痛觉VAS评分皆有明显降低 ,神经妥乐平组治疗 1周时的有效率 (显著改善 +改善 )为 6 7 3%、显著改善率为 10 2 % ,均明显高于弥可保组 (有效率为 34 8% ,显著改善率为 2 2 % )。至 4周时 ,2组的有效率分别为 87 0 %和 6 8 5 %。神经妥乐平组麻木症状改善有效率为 5 8 7% ,弥可保组为 6 9 5 % ,神经妥乐平组显效率 (2 3 9% )明显高于弥可保组 (13 0 % )。结论 神经妥乐平对 2型糖尿病神经损害的自发性疼痛、麻木有较好疗效 ,尤其对疼痛的疗效优于弥可保组。
Objective To estimate the effects of Neurotropin in the treatment of neuralgia and numbness in type 2 diabetes mellitus patients with diabetic peripheral neuropathy (DPN), and compare with Methycobal Methods Ninty five patients with DPN from 4 hospitals in shanghai were randomly assigned to two groups:49 cases in Neurotropin group ( 6 ml, IV, QD for 2 weeks, then, 2 tablets, BID for another 2 weeks) 46 cases in Methycobal group( 1 ml, IM, QD for 2 weeks, then, 1 tablet TID for another 2 weeks Results Neurotropin significantly improved neuralgia in type 2 diabetes mellitus with DPN, the efficacy rate was 67 3% in the first week, and 87 0% in the 4th week, comparing with 34 8% and 68 5% in the control group The efficacy rate for numbness was 58 7% in the study group after 4 weeks therapy, and 69 5% in control group In the whole 4 weeks therapeutic course, neuralgia and numbness were improved in the two groups, and the improved rate in Neurotropin group is high than in the control group( P <0 01) Conclusion Neurotropin had good effects in the treatment of diabetic neuralgia and numbness , the efficacy of Neurotropin in improving the senses of neuralgia is better than Methecobal , and similar with Methecobal in treating numbness
National Medical Journal of China
上海市教委重点学科建设经费 ( 2 0 0 1)资助项目 (部分 )