用浙江金华天然丝光沸石为原料制备净水剂 ,研究了沸石净水剂的不同粒径、活化温度、改性方法对处理生活污水效果的影响及沸石净水剂的再生条件。研究发现 ,随着沸石粒径的减小 ,去除效果增强 ;随活化温度的升高 ,吸氨量增大 ,当活化温度达到 80 0℃时 ,沸石吸氨量达到最大 ;不同改性方法对沸石NH4 + 交换量也有明显的影响 ,采用 80 0℃焙烧后再用中性盐处理的改性方法 ,沸石的NH+ 4交换量提高最大 ,可达 2 .2 6mg/g ;用 5 %氯化钠浸泡的方法对交换NH4 + 饱和的沸石进行再生 。
In the paper,the effect of particle size,active temperature,modification method and recovery condition of water-treated agent made by mordenite from Jinhua of Zhejiang on domestic wastewater have been studied. Experimental results showed that the absorption capacities of NH + 4 on mordenite increase with the decrease of the particle size and with increase of active temperature,respectively,the absorption capacities of NH + 4 on mordenite is up to the best when active temperature is at 800℃. In addition, different modification method has different effection on absorption capacities of NH + 4 on mordenite.By the optimal modification method the absorption capacities of NH + 4 on mordenite is up to 2.26mg/g when the calcined temperature was 800℃ and the agent modified by neutral salt. The optimal recovery method of mordenite is by immersing method with 5% NaCl solution.
Non-Metallic Mines