在数控机床IOC模块的测试过程中 ,系统要求在 2 0ms内完成对三个位置传感器和用户键盘数据的实时采集、相应和显示。通过以基于实时嵌入式操作系统uC OS -II在数据采集仿真系统中的应用为例 ,介绍了uC OS -II及其移植、信号量、多任务调度、X86保护模式、时钟中断和串口通讯处理技术。本系统已在成功运用数控机床IOC模块的测试中 ,缩短了试验周期。
In the test process of I/O controller in numeric-control machine,the data capturing, responsing and displaying must be implemented within 20ms. This paper introduced uC/OS-II & its reset on X86, semaphore, task schedule, X86 protection-mode, timer interrupt and serial communication technologies based on the embedded real-time uC/OS-II. The system has been applied in the test process of the IOC and the experimertal results show that period was cut down.
Journal of Shenyang Institute of Aeronautical Engineering