在多层架构的分布式软件系统中 ,如何在层间交换数据 ,采用何种粒度的对象交换数据 ,是系统构建时经常遇到的问题。作为J2EE核心设计模式之一的数据传输对象模式的提出 ,就是为了解决该问题的。通过对数据传输对象模式的研究和分析 ,针对在架构基于Internet的、分布式的企业级应用中所遇到的问题 ,吸取了多数据传输对象模式的优点 ,结合工厂模式和策略模式 ,利用接口来抽象 ,提出了一种改进的数据传输对象模式的实现方案 ,并且应用到了实际软件项目中 。
It is a common problem for the designer to exchange data in different layers and use which kind of granularity in multi-layers architecture software system . As one of the core patterns of J2EE , data transfer object pattern is presented to solve the problem. Based on the practical problem faced when constructing a distributed enterprise application on internet and the research and analysis of data transfer object pattern , this paper put forward an improved solution plan which uses interface to abstract from factory pattern and strategy pattern . The solution has been used in actual software project and proved that it is feasible and can meets the requirement of design rule well.
Journal of Shenyang Institute of Aeronautical Engineering