根据Hellinger Reissner原理 ,建立了具有一个无外力圆柱面的三维杂交应力元 ,元内假定应力场满足以柱坐标表示的三维平衡方程及无外力圆柱面上外力边界条件 ,当元退化为二维时也满足协调条件。单元位移场与相邻元协调。数值算例表明 ,现在的特殊杂交应力元 ,在相当粗的网格下即能高效地分析变宽度厚 (薄 )板的三维及二维应力集中。
A 12-node solid finite element with a traction-free cylindrical surface has been developed based on the Hellinger-Reissner principle. Cylindrical coordinates are used so that the assumed stresses satisfy the equilibrium equation in the element as well as the traction-free conditions over the cylindrical surface. In the limiting case of plane problem, the assumed stress field also satisfies the compatibility equation. The stress concentration problems of thin and thick fillets under tension and pure bending are analyzed by using the present special hybrid stress element. The numerical results show that very good accuracy is achieved for the distributions of the circumferential stresses and the stress concentration factors.
Mechanical Science and Technology for Aerospace Engineering