单片机以其优越的性能、低廉的价格 ,被越来越多地应用于众多领域 ,由于一般的单片机只有 1~ 2个内部定时器 /计数器 ,这对于需要进行多路频率量采集和监控的应用场合显然是不够的。文章提出的采用查询的方式可以实现单片机对多路低频信号的采集。采用此方法不需要增加硬件电路 ,脉冲信号可以直接引入单片机空间的I/O端口 ,而且对接口电路的要求不高 ,信号可以与符合TTL电平标准的脉冲信号直接相连接。此方法应用于测井领域 ,可以实现对多路低频信号的采集。
One chip computer has been more and more used in different fields because of its excellent performance and low cost, however, one chip computer is not suitable enough to be used in monitoring and collecting multi pass frequency signal, since it generally has only one or two built in timer/counter. This paper gives the idea of acquisiting multi pass low frequency signal by one chip computer through query method. In this way, there is no need for adding extra circuit. Pulsed signal can be directly transmitted to one chip computer′s Z/O ports, and also there is no complicated requirements for its interface circuit, and received signal can be directly merged with pulsed signal, which is in conformity with TTL electrical level standard. In well logging field, we can collect multi pass low frequency signal in this way.
Petroleum Instruments