电离辐射与人体组织的相互作用事件是分立的 ,在受照组织中的分布也是不均匀的。辐射在组织中沉积能量的事件可能对生物体及其内部细胞结构造成损伤。微剂量学是在微观 (细胞、亚细胞 )水平上研究电离辐射的能量沉积在空间、时间上的分布及按能量分布的情况 ,并探讨不同分布对生物效应的影响。在微剂量学领域中 ,主要用线能、比能及其相应的物理参数去预测辐射所引起的生物效应。本文从剂量学和微剂量学的联系谈起 ,简要叙述微剂量学的发展过程及相应的理论 ,介绍测量、计算微剂量的方法 。
The events of interaction between ionizing radial particles and body tissue are discrete. These events have the form of asymmetrical distribution in the irradiated body tissue. The deposited energy in body tissue will injure organism and it's cytoarchitecture. The microdosimetry is about to study ionizing radiation energy deposition on position, time and energy distribution at microcosmic level(cell or sub-cell), then biological effects from radiation were researched at different conditions. Specific energy, lineal energy and other physical parameter were used to forecast biological effects produced from radiation. The article described the developing process and relevant theory on microdosimetry, meanwhile the measuring and calculating methods were introduced. The microdosimetry application in the field of radio biology and radio therapy was given as well. (
Radiation Protection