随着中国对外贸易的快速发展,中国的贸易条件成为经济学者们讨论的焦点,如何改善中国的贸易务件也成为中国 经济发展所面临的严峻课题。本文通过深入分析指出,当前不合理的贸易制度是制约中国贸易条件改善的根本因素,并在此 基础上提出了利于改善中国贸易条件的贸易发展战略以及为实施该战略所应采取的相应的改革措施。
Along with the fast development of the foreign trade of our country, improving the trade terms rises to be a rigorous problem that our economy has to face, as well as the focus of economic scholars' discussion. By thorough analysis, this article points out that the current unreasonable trade institution is the basie factor restraining the trade terms of our country from improvinent. In addition, this article also puts forward a trade strategy, as well as the corresponding reforms, which will benefit greatly in improving Chin'a trade terms.
Economy and Management