以Kamamoto相变模型和Koistinen -Marburger相变模型为基础 ,研究了焊接热影响区相变的数值计算方法。提出了Kamamoto相变模型的参数是以相变开始温度TS 为自变量的连续函数的观点 ,详细讨论了Ka mamoto相变模型参数的计算方法 ,提出提高模型计算精度的方法 ,并进一步讨论了该相变计算模型的应用范围 ,进而确定了完整的焊接热影响区相变计算模型。
Based on the phase transformation model of Kamamoto and Koistinen-Marburger, the calculating methods of phase transformation were discussed in this paper. A viewpoint that the parameters of phase transformation in Kamamoto model should be continuous functions of the temperature begun phase transformation (T S) was proposed. The method of improving the precision of calculation and the application fields of the model were analyzed in detail to establish a perfect calculating model for phase transformation in heat-affected zone.
Welding & Joining