AIM:To study the effect and mechanism of scopoletin against hypoxia under the conditions of normal pressure, cerebral ischemia and the increase of myocardial oxygen consumption in mice.METHODS:①Experimental methods of normal pressure and anti-hypoxia:Forty mice were randomly divided into 4 groups,scopoletin was given by intraperitoneal injection(0.01 mg/g,0.02 mg/g),after 15 minutes,the mice were set into 250 mL jares which had milling ora,leaving each other and then airproofed,and the last breath was taken as the index,the living time of mice was observed.②Experimental methods of cerebral ischemia:Thirty mice were randomized into 3 groups,scopoletin was given by intraperitoneal injection(0.01 mg/g,0.02 mg/g),after 15 minutes,the heads of mice were cut down at the lower part of auris speedily,and the blowing time was noted.③Experimental methods of isoprenaline in increasing the myocardial oxygen consumption:Thirty mice were randomly divided into 3 groups,subcutaneous injection of normal saline(0.03 mL/g) was given to the mice in the control group,and then intraperitoneal injection of normal saline(0.02 mL/g) was performed after 5 minutes.The mice in the model group were treated with subcutaneous injection of isoprenaline(0.015 mg/g),and then with intraperitoneal injection of normal saline(0.02 mL/g) after 5 minutes.The mice in the scopoletin group received subcutaneous injection of isoprenaline(0.015 mL/g) to mice,and then intraperitoneal injection of scopoletin(0.01 mg/g) 5 minutes later.After 10 minutes,the mice were put into 250 mL jares,which had milling ora,leaving each other and then airproofed,the living time of the mice observed.RESULTS:Scopoletin(0.01 mg/g,0.02 mg/g) could very significantly prolong the living time[(66.4±8.9),(90.3±7.4) minutes] of mice under the condition of normal pressure and anti-hypoxia as compared with that in the control group(t=3.356,3.147;P< 0.01).Scopoletin(0.01 mg/g,0.02 mg/g) could also significantly prolong the respiratory time[(21.2 ±0.8),(23.5±0.7) s] of mice, wh
Chinese Journal of Clinical Rehabilitation