
冠心病患者血清一氧化氮水平与心理状态的关系 被引量:1

Relationship between serum nitric oxide level and psychologic status in patients with coronary heart disease
摘要 目的:研究冠心病患者心理状态、血清一氧化氮变化及两者的关系及其对预后的影响。方法:分别检测了58例冠心病及39例健康人静脉血的一氧化氮浓度,58例冠心病患者完成了症状自评量表(SCL-90)。结果:①冠心病组的SCL-90除了人际关系外,各项均高于常模,差异有显著性意义(t=2.12~6.88,P<0.01)。②冠心病组血清一氧化氮浓度(66.07±20.25)μmol/L下降,与健康对照组犤(121.39±51.95)μmol/L犦比较,差异有显著性意义(t=14.10,P<0.01)。③线性分析示冠心病组SCL-90的焦虑分与血清一氧化氮水平呈负性相关(r=-0.308,P<0.05)。结论:冠心病患者的心理改变广泛而复杂,尤其焦虑可能影响血管内皮功能,使一氧化氮的产生下降,一氧化氮的下降可能是焦虑影响冠心病预后的中介因素之一。 AIM:To study the changes of mental state and serum level of nitric oxide(NO),and investigate the relationship between them and their effects on the prognosis in patients with coronary heart disease(CHD).METHODS:Serum NO levels were measured in 58 CHD patients and 39 normal controls,and the 56 CHD patients completed the symptom checklist-90(SCL-90).RESULTS:①The factor scores of SCL-90 were all significantly higher in the CHD patients than the norms(t=2.12 to 6.88,P< 0.01) except for that of interpersonal relationship.②Serum NO level in the CHD patients[(66.07±20.25) μmol/L] was significantly lower than that in the normal control group[(121.39±51.95)μmol/L](t=14.10,P< 0.01).③The linear analysis showed that the score of anxiety in SCL-90 was negatively correlated with the serum NO level in the CHD patients(r=-0.308,P< 0.05).CONCLUSION:Psychological changes in the CHD patient were general and complex,especially that anxiety can affect the vascular endothelial function,and reduce the NO level,which is the one mediate factors for the prognosis of CHD influenced by anxiety.
出处 《中国临床康复》 CSCD 2004年第33期7398-7399,共2页 Chinese Journal of Clinical Rehabilitation
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