我国每年都有大量的煤矿事故发生 ,造成数千名矿工死亡 ,对死亡矿工的经济赔偿 ,往往是事故处理的一大难题 ,其主要原因是目前对死亡矿工的赔偿标准偏低。由于赔偿费用低 ,经济赔偿的代价不足 ,以引起威慑和警戒 ,部分煤矿企业仍然不重视安全生产、不珍惜矿工生命 ,从而煤矿伤亡事故不断发生。分析了目前国内外主要的生命价值评价方法和评价结果 ,对煤矿事故中的生命价值进行了研究 ,提出采用净产值推算矿工的生命价值 ,并给出了相应的计算公式和分析实例。分析结果表明 ,目前的赔偿标准不能体现矿工的生命价值 。
Thousands of miners died in mining accidents every year in China, compensation for victims always puzzled a lot due to the low compensation standard. Due to the low compensation expenditure, in some extent it promotes some mining enterprises to neglect the occupational safety in mine and to treasure miners' lives, it in turn causing the frequent occurrence of accident. Referring the evaluation system used both at home and abroad, the life value of victims in coal mine accident was studied. Authors suggest that the net value of output should be taken in calculating the life value of victims. Relevant calculation formula and case analysis were provided. The results show that the current compensation standard could not represent the life value of victims and there is a considerable gap in between.
China Safety Science Journal