目的 :研究农民收入水平与健康、医疗费用支出之间的关系。方法 :采用系统抽样方法 ,对 1 2 2 8户农民家庭进行健康询问调查 ,将调查家庭按收入高低分为 5组 ,比较其健康及医疗费用支出状况。结果 :低收入组患病频率及所患疾病严重的程度较高 (P <0 .0 5 ) ;年人均医疗费 1 5 6.8元 ,各组之间没有显著差异 ,但低收入组医疗费用占年人均收入比例较高 ;在总医疗费支出结构中 ,低收入组的门诊支出高于住院。结论 :低收入水平农民健康状况较差 ,医疗费用负担较重 ,农村医疗保障应着重对低收入人群的补偿。
Objectives: To study the relationship between peasant's health and payments which related to their income levels. Methods: 1 228 fa milies were selected by system sample and their health statues were inquired. According to annual income all the families were divided into 5 groups among which were compared with their health statues and expenditure. Results: The poor had th e higher rate of prevalence and more severe diseases (P<0.05). The annual payment for health care was average 156.8 yuan per person and there is no difference among 5 groups, but the proportion of payment was higher at low income group. The total expenditure frame showed that the payment of out-patient was higher than that of in-patient at low income group. Conclusion: Country medical safeguard s ystem should pay more attention to low income people with being out of condition and heavy burden on payment for health care.
Chinese Health Resources