根据嵌入式的特点 ,文章提出了利用背景栅格图与图层矢量图相结合的方式 ,在空间数据库的支持下存贮和管理地图信息数据 ,并充分利用网络通讯及中心服务器的能力扩充嵌入式系统的功能 ,从改变数据存贮结构与算法本身来提高导航系统的查询速度与精确性。
By analyzing the feature of embeded equipment, this paper presents a model that combine the vector map with grid map, store and manage map informati on by spacial data base, which expand the function of embed system. By taking ad vantage of communication of net and the ability of center service and restructur ing traditional data stored structure and alogrithmic then, this model promote t he navigation query system respondence and precision.
Computer and Information Technology