应用不同剂量的He—Ne激光连续14天照射健康大鼠,分别于照射后7、14,17、21、28、35天监测大鼠白细胞总数各类白细胞数目的变化。照射大鼠内眼角激光日剂量为13.2415J/cm^2以上,照射大鼠耳后凹陷部的激光日剂量为18.5381J/cm^2以上,照射大鼠脊背正中线皮肤的激光日剂量为23.8347J/cm^2以上,均可在照射后一定时期对大鼠上述指标产生不同程度的抑制作用。实验结果表明,各类白细胞对激光抑制效应的敏感性不一,敏感顺序是:嗜酸性白细胞-杆状核白细胞-分叶核白细胞淋巴细胞。作为有效大剂量町选择日剂量18.5318J/cm^2作内眼角照射,26.4830J/cm^2作耳后凹陷照射,39.7245J/cm^2作脊背正中线皮肤照射。 应用日剂量为39.7245J/cm^2的He—Ne激光照射大鼠脊背正中线皮肤,并与环孢霉素A(CsA)和硫唑嘌呤(Aza)两种免疫抑制剂配合应用,以研究大剂量激光和免疫抑制剂两者配合对大鼠白细胞总数、各类白细胞数、T、B淋巴细胞数、淋巴细胞转化刺激指数(S、I)、10~6个淋巴细胞CPM数的影响,大剂量激光和免疫抑制剂(CsA、Aza)及其配合均可在试验后一定时期对大鼠白细胞总数和各类白细胞数具有明显的抑制作用。大剂量激光和Aza可降低大鼠B淋巴细胞数。大剂量激光、CsA、Aza及激光与二者配合均可使淋巴细胞转化刺激指数(S、I)在?
Healthy rats were irridicated continuously by He -Ne laser with diffenent dose for 14 days. The total number of Leukocytes and the number of each leakocytes were screened at 7,14,17,21,28 and 35 days after irridication. Laser dose on inner corner of rat eyes was over 13. 2415 J/cm2 per day on hollow parts of back ears was 18. 5381 J/cm2 per day, on center line of dorsal spine skin was over 23. 8347 J/cm2 per day. Results showed that the number of leukocytes were decreased after irridication. Different sensitivities of each kind of leukocytes inhibited by laser were also found. A sequence order of the inhibitory effect on each leukocytes were acidophils, leukocytes, rod neutrocytes, segmented neutrocytes, lymphocytes.
An effective large dose of laser irridication for inner corner of eyes, hollow parts of back ear and center line of dorsal spine skin were 18. 5318 J/cm2, 26. 4830 j/cm2 and 39. 7245 J/cm2 per day, respectively.
In order to study the effects of large dose of laser and /or immune inhibitors on the number of leukocytes of all kinds or each, T-cells and B-cells, stimulating index of lymphocytes tramsforming (SI) , the number of lymphocytes CMP by 106, a dose of 39. 7245 J/cm2 laser per day was used to irridicate the center line of dorsal spine skin, and two immune inhibitors of cyclosporin A (CsA) and Azathioprine (Aza) were orally taken for coordination with laser. Results showed that large dose of laser and /or immune inhibitors both or each had significant effects on inhibiting the number of lymphocytes creating. The number of B-cells was decreased by large dose of laser with Aza. S,I of lymphocytes transforming was decreased significantly after 4 weeks of application of both or each of larg dose laser and immune inhibitors of CsA and Aza.
Acta Laser Biology Sinica