目的 研究脑振荡患者凝血酶原时间 (PT) ,凝血酶原时间国际标准化比值 (INR) ,活化的部分凝血活酶时间 (APTT)和纤维蛋白原含量 (FIB)等凝血因子的变化以及白细胞 (WBC) ,血小板 (PLT) ,平均血小板体积 (MPV)和血钾 (K)的变化。方法 空腹时抽取脑振荡患者全血 2 .7mL ,选取 4 0例无溶血 ,无黄疸、无脂血者 ,男 2 0例 ,女 2 0例。年龄 4 3~ 89岁。用 0 .3mL枸橼酸钠抗凝 ,摇匀 ,30 0 0r/min转速离心 15min分离血浆 ,并在 2h内用COAT -GATE凝血分析仪检测 4 0例脑振荡患者的PT ,APTT ,FIB及INR ,并同时以 4 0例健康体检者 (无溶血、无黄疸、无脂血者 ,男 2 0例 ,女 2 0例。年龄 4 3~ 89岁。无肝脏、心血管、血液系统及神经系统疾病 ,其他血液生化指标均在参考范围内 )作对照组。检测试剂采用欧加农试剂。同时用欧加农室内定值质控品做质控 ,质控在控制范围。再抽取全血 3mL ,肝素抗凝 ,离心取血浆检测K+ ;取全血加EDTA抗凝 ,测WBC ,PLT及MPV。结果 脑振荡患者组及对照组PT分别为 (15 .5± 1.6 )s ,(14 .8± 1.2 )s,经t检验 ,P <0 .0 1,2组间有显著性差异 ;脑振荡患者组及对照组INR分别为 1.1± 0 .4 9,0 .98± 0 .2 0 ,经t检验 ,P<0 .0 1,2组间有显著性差异 ;脑振荡患者组及对照组FIB分别为 (3.
Objective To observe the changes of laboratory data as PT, INR, APTT, FIB, WBC, PLT, MPV and so on in brain concussion patient. Methods The blood samples of 40 patients (male 20 and female 20 with age of 43~89) were detected with laboratory and the samples of 40 healthy (male 20 and female 20 with age of 43~89) was also detected as control. Results The PT was 15.8±1.6 in patient group and 14.8±1.2 in control group with significant difference of T test (P<0.01). The INR was 1.1±0.49 in patient group and 0.98±0.20 in control group with significant difference of T test (P<0.01). Also the significant difference between two group was in PLT, WBC. But the MPV, APTT and K had no significant difference between two groups. Conclusion The PT, INR, FIB and WBC in patient group was significantly higher than those in healthy. But the APTT and K had no significant in both groups.
Heilongjiang Medical Journal