为了解我省饮用水健康相关产品、集中式供水卫生许可批件的持证情况和卫生质量状况 ,2 0 0 3年 5~ 9月 ,我省组织开展了卫生监督抽检工作。结果表明 :家用水处理器持证率 2 5 %;集团用水处理器持证率4 2 .86 %;管材持证率 96 .3 6 %;水处理剂持证率 84 %和集中式供水单位持证率 1 0 0 %;水处理剂合格率 1 0 0 %;二次供水合格率 96 %;市政集中式供水出厂水合格率 1 0 0 %;末梢水合格率 98.77%;自建集中式供水出厂水合格率 4 5 %;末梢水合格率 4 6 .4 3 %。
In order to know the certificate-holding situation and hygiene quality of health related product about drinking water, the sampling investigation was carried out during May~September,2003 in Sichuan. The result indicated that the certificate-holding rates of minitype and large water processor were 25% and 42 86 %,and the same indexes of water pipe, water treatment reagent and waterworks were 96 36% ,84% and 100% respectively.The qualified rates of water treatment reagent and secondary water supplies were 100% and 96%, and the indexes of initiatory and terminal tap water of municipal water system were 100% and 98 77 %, private water system were 45% and 46 43%. [
Chinese Journal of Health Inspection
Drinking Water
Sampling Investigation