目的 :分析干眼症发病的相关因素 ,探讨预防和治疗措施。方法 :对 2 0 2 6例门诊患者进行问卷调查 ,对主诉有眼部干涩、畏光、异物感、视物模糊、视疲劳、视力波动等症状者 ,通过泪液分泌试验、泪膜破裂时间测定、角结膜荧光染色三项检查结果确定诊断。结果 :在 2 0 2 6例门诊患者中 ,发现 2 17例患有干眼症 (10 71% ) ,其中女性 16 9例 (77 9% ) ,男性 4 8例(2 2 1% )。汽车司机 19例 (9 6 % )、教师 18例 (8% ) ,配戴角膜接触镜 7例 (3% ) ,长期在空调环境工作的干部和电脑工作者(包括会计 ) 6 9例 (32 % ) ,长期滴用眼药水 4 8例 (2 2 % ) ,有角膜缘部手术史 13例 (6 % ) ,长期服用降血压药物者 16例 (7% ) ,久治不愈的慢性结膜炎和病毒性角膜炎 2 7例 (12 % )。结论 :干眼症是一种多因素疾病 ,症状是诊断干眼症的重要依据及必要条件 ,因此 ,重视患者的主诉并及时进行干眼症特异性检查 ,可使患者获得正确诊断及合理治疗。
Objective: To analyze the factors associated with dry eye and its prevention and treatment. Methods: Questionary was sent to 2 026 O.P.D patients and Schirmer Ⅰ test,film break-up time and fluorescein staining of cornea-conjunctive were performed on patients who complained dry eyes,photophobia,foreign body sensation,blurring of vision,asthenopia,and impairment of vision after asking the history of illness.Results:Of 2 026 patients,217(10.7%)had eye-dry including 169(77.9%)females and 48(22.1%)males;19(9.6%)drivers,18(8.0%)teachers;7(3.0%)wearing contact lens;69(32.0%)working in the air conditioned environment and computer;48(22.0%)using eye-drops;13(6.0%)had operation on limbus;16(7.0%)using drugs for prevention of hypertension for a long time;27(12.0%)cases of chronic conjunctivitis and virus keratitis.Conclusion:Dry-eye is the symptom of eye diseases caused by many factors.Symptoms and signs are the main important evidences in the diagnosis.Pay attention to the patient's complaint and routine examinations can make correct diagnosis and reasonable treatment.
Ophthalmology in China
dry eye
associated factors