目的 :分析子宫内膜癌的MRI表现及分期 ,并与手术后病理结果相对照来评价MRI在子宫内膜癌诊断及分期中的价值。方法 :34例经MRI检查并经手术治疗 ,且有术后病理分期患者 ,其术前MRI检查结果通过双盲法阅片 ,根据其在MRI片中的表现征象 ,根据FIGO分期原则对其进行分期 ,并与病理检查结果进行比较。结果 :大部分肿瘤在T1WI上病灶的信号与子宫肌信号相近 (不伴有出血 )常不易被发现 ,T2 WI上肿瘤呈中等信号或稍低信号 ,常介于正常内膜与子宫肌信号之间 ,增强后肿瘤呈中等程度强度强化 ,强化程度低于子宫肌层 ,子宫内膜强化程度亦明显低于肌层 ,使用矢状位T2 WI和SPGR平扫加增强扫描对子宫内膜癌分期准确率达到 82 .4 % ,特别是对占多数的I期病例分期准确率达 87.0 % ,II期准确率达 87.5 %。结论 :MRI在准确估计肿瘤浸润的深度和合理分期方面具有很高的价值。
Objective: To study the value of MRI in the diagnosis and staging of endmoetrial carcinoma by comparing with pathology. Methods: 34 cases of endometrial carcinoma were examined by MRI before operation and compared with the pathological findings. MRI staging of endometrial carinoma was based on FIGO. Results: The lesions of endometrial carinoma had different MRI appearance.. The overall accuracy of MRI in staging endometrial carinoma was 82.4%. The accuracy for stage I was 87.0%, The accuracy for stage II was 87.5%. Conclusion: MRI has high value in preoperative staging and depicting the depth of myometrial invasion for endometrial carcinoma.
Chinese Journal of Clinical Medicine