目的 :探讨原发性肝黏膜相关淋巴组织 (MALT)淋巴瘤的临床病理特征及治疗方法。方法 :对 1例原发性肝MALT淋巴瘤的发病因素、临床表现、病理特征及治疗结果进行分析。结果 :腹部B超检查发现肝左叶低回声区。腹部MRI检查示肝脏恶性占位性病变 ,行肝左叶切除术 ,病理检查示正常肝小叶结构破坏 ,被弥漫分布的肿瘤细胞替代 ,瘤细胞以单核样细胞为主 ,伴有淋巴上皮病变形成 ,免疫组化示 ,CD4 5、CD2 0、CD79a阳性 ,CD5、CD10、ALK、TdT阴性 ,HCV、HBV和EBV阴性。结论 :原发性肝MALT淋巴瘤属低度恶性B细胞淋巴瘤 ,有独特的临床、组织病理学和免疫表型特点。治疗上多采取手术局部切除治疗 ,部分需加用联合化疗。
Objective:To investigate clinical and pathological features of primary hepatic lymphoma of mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue(MALT) and explore the methods for its treatment.Method:Etiological factors, clinical manifestations, pathological characteristics and therapy were studied in a patient with primary hepatic lymphoma of MALT.Result:Ultrasound and MRI found a 28×37 mm hypodensity in the left lobe of the liver. The tumor was completely resected. Staging procedures showed no lymphoma lesion other than the liver tumor. The histological section revealed a lymphmatous infiltration by small lymphocytes. Lymphoepithelial lesions were recognized. Immunohistochemically, lymphoma cells were positive for CD45、CD79a and CD20 and negative for CD5, CD10, ALK and TdT. Liver tissue express negative HCV、HBV and EBV. The patient was doing well following resection with a short follow-up.Conclusion:Primary MALT lymphoma of the liver have unique clinical, histological,and immunophenotypic features that allow them to be distinguished from other lymphomas and are a low-grade B-cell lymphoma with indolent behavior. Treatment is generally local resection or comlined chemotherapy.
Journal of Clinical Hematology
Mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue