1 前言目前,在机械零件的可靠性设计中广泛采用中心点法求解应力——强度干涉模型中的联结方程。此方程来源于正态分步类型,所以此法没有考虑各设计参量的实际概率分布形式,而且此法是把导出的可靠度表达式在平均值处按Taylor级数展开,取其线性项作近似计算,因此对可靠度表达式较复杂的非线性函数,其计算结果有较大的误差。为了克服上述缺陷,近来在机械可靠性设计中也逐渐采用了验算点法。
Some disadvantages of the methods for solving the binding equation and for point's checking computation are analysed in this paper. Two new methods are presented for reliability calculation conjugate gradient and improved point's checking computation methods. The difficuties for solving the reliability index βequation with the point's checking computation method can be overcomed by the use of the two proposed. methods. Real distribution modes of various design variables are considered as well.The combination of statement and illustrative calculation shows the suitability and superiority of this thesis. And it is really a worthy popularized new designing method.
Journal of Machine Design