最发达现代资本主义生产方式已孕育着社会主义经济因素。资本主义一定会转变为社会主义 ,但实现的途径有两个 :一个是暴力革命 ,一个是革命的和平发展。本文更赞同革命的和平发展 ,根据是从当代资本主义的阶级结构上看 :当代工人阶级不但仍是现代社会生产的主导力量 ,而且还在社会生产管理中发挥了愈来愈大的作用。从经济结构上看 ,生产资料的所有者———资本家们正愈来愈脱离了生产活动与一切在生产中实际进行活动的个人相对立。这说明最发达资本主义国家已具备了向社会主义转变的物质条件。而处于同一时代 ,同一发展趋向的中国 ,必将在和平发展的事业中 ,作出自己的贡献。
The productive way of developed modrn capitalism is pregnant with socialist economy factors.Capitalism is doomed to socialism.There are two transformation ways,One is revolution,the other way is development.Development is better than revolution.Modern woker class is not only leading force in social production,they but also give play to more and more effect in social productive management.The capitalists which own productive means are digressing from the process of production and are opposite to individuals which are engaged in productive activities.The most developed capitalist countries could change to socialist countries because they have material base.In this course,China will contribute its share.
Contemporary Economic Research