目的 分析探讨我院近几年抗感染药物不良反应 ( ADR)的发生情况 ,为临床合理用药提供参考。方法 对我院自发呈报的 2 64例抗感染药物 ADR报表进行分类统计分析。 结果 2 64例 ADR报告涉及药物 13类 ,61个品种 ,其中头孢菌素类药物报告例数为首位 ,其次为青霉素类及喹诺酮类药物。 ADR的临床表现以皮肤及其附件损害最多见 ,其次为神经系统和消化系统反应。严重的 ADR报告 19例 ,主要临床表现为严重的皮肤损害 ,过敏性休克等。结论 加强、重视 ADR监测工作 ,提高临床安全用药水平。
OBJECTIVE To analysis and discuss anti-infection drug ADR circumstances occuring in recent years in our hospital and to give reference on rational clinical drug application.METHODS The 264 anti-infection drug ADR report forms that were submitted spontaneously in our hospital were sorted and statistically analyzed.RESULTS The ADR reports involve 13 categories and 61 kinds of drugs ,reported ADR cases of cephalosporin drugs occupy the primacy thereinto,and secondly penicillins and quinolones come.The most common clinical appearances of reported ADR cases are skin and its accessories damage and secondly are nerve system and digestive system reaction.There are 19 cases of serious ADR in all the 264 ADR reports,and their common clinical appearances are skin damage and allergy shock. CONCLUSION We should pay more attention to and reinforce ADR supervision,boost safe clinical drug application level.
Strait Pharmaceutical Journal