介绍了利用以 Front Page 2 0 0 0为主的多媒体制作软件制作物理化学实验多媒体 CAI软件的详细过程 ,包括各种素材的准备 ,各项功能的实现 .使用 WORD2 0 0 0制作文本素材 ;使用照相机及扫描仪获取图像素材 ,并且用 PHOTOSHOP6 .0软件对图像素材进行加工处理 ;使用数码摄像机录像 ,用 Windows Movie Maker将截取的MPG转换成 WMV格式 ,便于使用 WINDOWS自带的媒体播放器的控件 Windows Media Player播放 ;利用Front Page 2 0 0 0融合各类素材 ,制作成网页格式的物理化学实验多媒体课件 .
The details about how to make physical chemistry experiment CAI courseware using Microsoft FrontPage 2000 were described, including the preparation of the materials, the realization of different functions: using Microsoft Word 2000 to prepare text material; using camera and scanner to get image materials and using Adobe Photoshop 6.0 to edit image material; using a digital video to record; using the basic software 'Windows Movie Maker', which is the accessory software of the Windows, to convert the 'MPG' format into 'WMV' format. And then, using another accessory software of the windows 'Windows Media Player' to play the record whose format is 'WMV'. Using FrontPage 2000 creates the HTML version of the physical chemistry experiment CAI courseware.
Journal of South-Central University for Nationalities:Natural Science Edition
湖北省高等学校省级教学研究基金资助项目 (2 0 0 31 5 8)