PURPOSE: To Locate and dilate the second mesiobuccal canals(MB2) in clinical treatment and in extracted molars in maxillary molars. METHODS: 11 extracted maxillary molars were studied. MB2s were searched and dilate the canals were filled with gutta-percha and then x ray film were taken. 146 maxillary molars included 94 maxillary first molars and 52 maxillary second molars were attempted to locate and dilate for MB2.Then root canal treatment was carried out in molars and x ray film were taken. RESULTS: MB2 canal can be located in 60% and dilate 50% of 10 extracted maxillary first molars.MB2 canal can be located in 44.68 % and dilated in 29.78 % of maxillary first molars.MB2 canal can be in located in 11.53% and dilated in 7.69% of maxillary second molars. CONCLUSION: The occurence of MB2 is high in maxillary first molars. Although there are many difficulties in location and dilate of MB2, attempt should be conducted to explore in order to increase rate incidence of root canal therapy.
Shanghai Journal of Stomatology