内容深切、格式特别是鲁迅小说的重要特色 :其内容之深 ,始于启蒙 ,却向人性深处延伸 ,隐寓和呼唤着一种现代人的价值观念 ;其格式特别 ,除了“创造新形式的先锋” ,还有对传统的继承 ,是“继承传统”与“冲破传统”
Deep content and special form are the important characteristics of Lu Xun's novel.It's content is deep,starts with teaching beginners,but extends to the human nature depths,resides and calls a kind of modern's value latently;It's form is specal,besides “creating the pioneer of the new form”,it has a traditional inheritance,which is the unity of “inheriting the tradition” and“breaking through the tradition”.
Journal of Hefei University:Social Sciences