对阿尔泰山两河 (额尔齐斯河和乌伦古河 )源头保护区昆虫区系的考察结果进行了报道 .考察结果表明 :1 .该地区昆虫经鉴定出的种类有 1 9目 1 5 0科 64 3属 1 1 66种 ,据推测 ,整个昆虫区系不下 40 0 0种 ,是新疆昆虫物种多样性最为丰富的地区 ;2 .据对直翅目和鞘翅目 42 4种昆虫的区系成分分析 ,含有欧洲—西伯利亚种1 2 6种 ,占 2 9.7% ,泛古北种和中亚细亚种各 1 0 3种 ,各占 2 4.3 % ,此外还有中央亚细亚种、特有种、地中海种、欧洲中亚种、亚洲种、西伯利亚种、全北种和广布种 ,此地是以欧洲—西伯利亚种占优势 ,并富含多种区系成分的地区 ;3 .昆虫区系同植被一样 ,具明显垂直地带性分布特征 ,山地荒漠亚带多为旱生型昆虫 ,山地森林草甸带大多为中生型昆虫 ,种类最为丰富 ,达 81 6种 ;4.该地昆虫主要为草原和森林害虫 ,草原害虫以蝗虫为最重要 ,落叶松毛虫、舞毒蛾等蛾类、吉丁虫、天牛、小蠹虫、叶甲等是山地森林的主要害虫 ;5 .资源昆虫分为天敌昆虫、珍稀和观赏昆虫、药用昆虫三类 ,蚁类同虫草一样 ,资源丰富 。
In this paper, we give a researching report of the insects fauna both of the two rivers(Ertix River and Ulungur River) springhead protection area in Altay Mountains. The results shows:1. There are 1166 species of insects have been identified, which belong to19 orders,150 families and 643 genus in these areas. It is presumed that the species of the whole insect fauna will reach at least 4000. So it is the area that has the richest inseit's diversity in Xinjiang. 2.According to the fauna component analysis of 424 kinds of insects of Orthoptera and Coleoptera, it contains 126 Euro-Siberian species, amounts to 29.7%, both Panto-Palaearctic species and Mid-Asian species are 103,and each amounts to 24.3%, in addition, there are Centro-Asian species, endemic species, Mediterranean species, Euro-Mid-Asian species, Asian species, Siberian species, Pan-Palaearctic (Holarctic ) species and polytopic species as well. In these area , the Euro-Siberian species are the preponderant species and other fauna components are also abundant. 3. The insect's fauna, as well as the plants, has the character of an evident vertical-belt distribution .Most insects of mountain-desert sub-zone are xeric and those of mountainous-sylva-meadow belt are mesophytic species and are rich in category, which amounts to 816 species. 4. Most insects in these area are pest to grassland and forest. Locusts are the main pests of grassland and moths such as Dendrolimus superans and Oceneria dispar(L.), Buprestidae, Cerambycoidea, Ipidae, Chrysomelidae etc. are the main pests of mountainous-sylva. 5. Resource insects are divided into three groups: natural enemy insects, rare and ornamental insects and medicinal insects. Ants are rich in resource and has developing significance as well as aweto there.
Journal of Xinjiang University(Natural Science Edition)