讨论了求解无约束线性最小二乘问题的一种并行单纯形法以及对它的改进算法并行共轭梯度—单纯形法 .算法本身具有很强的并行机制 ,能够充分地发挥并行机快速省时的特点 .本文也对算法做了理论分析 ,对算法的收敛性给予了证明 (在二维情形下 ) .最后做了数值实验 (由于软硬件条件的限制 ,并行算法未能在并行计算机上实现 ,鉴于这种情况 ,我们所做的数值实验均是在串行机上完成的 )
In this paper,we consider parallel simplex method and parallel conjugate gradient simplex method which improve parallel simplex method for linear Least-square problems. The algorithm can exert the character of parallel computer because they have parallel logic themselves.Under the 2-dimensional case, we also discuss the theory of the parallel simplex method.And we proof the convergence of the parallel algorithm.At last, We give some numerical examples to indicate that the new idea is sometimes useful and helpful.
Journal of Xinjiang University(Natural Science Edition)