目的:探讨目前我国广泛应用的国产低剂量复方口服避孕药对女性出血型脑卒中发病危险性的影响,以期结合避孕药具知情选择和计划生育优质服务对服避孕药女性进行心脑血管疾病预防,减少口服避孕药严重不良反应的发生。方法:采用1:1病例对照研究。结果:单因素条件Logistic回归分析显示,口服避孕药能增加出血型脑卒中发生的危险性,相对危险度OR为3,57(95%CI 1.55-8.26),用文化程度、高血压病史调整后仍具有统计学意义;多因素条件Logistic回归分析结果提示,高血压病史、服用口服避孕药、猪肉摄入量增多等因素均能增加出血型脑卒中危险性,其中服用口服避孕药的相对危险度OR为5.81(95%CI 1.51-22.35),高血压病史的相对危险度OR为27.29(95%CI 4.29-173.59)。结论:本研究提示口服避孕药能增加中国妇女出血型脑卒中发病危险性,建议加强避孕药不良反应监测与防治工作,并进一步开展深入研究。
Objective: To investigate the risk factors for hemorrhagic stroke and low - dose combined oral contraceptives in China among Chinese women in order to prevent cardiovascular diseases, to decrease adverse reaction of combined oral contraceptives through informed choice of contraceptive methods and high quality. Methods: 1: 1 case - control study was carried out. Results: Single Logistic regression analysis showed combined oral contraceptive pills could increase the risk of haemorrhagic stroke among Chinese women, and the odds ratio(OR) reached 3.57(95%CI 1.55 -8.26). Multinomial Logistic regression analysis showed that history of hypertension, oral contraceptive pills and pork consuming were the factors associated with the risk of haemorrhagic stroke, and the OR was 5.81(95%CI 1.51 -22. 35) with OCs use and the OR of having hypertension history was 27. 29 ( 95% CI4. 29 - 173.59). Conclusion: Combined oral contraceptive pills can increase the risk of haemorrhagic stroke in Chinese women. It is suggested that OCs adverse reactions monitoring should be enhanced, and further study should be launched and implemented.
Chinese Journal of Family Planning