目的 了解铀矿接尘人员矽肺发生的规律与特点。方法 利用单因素分析法对核工业矿山与地质系统间、纯铀矿与混铀矿接尘人员间,矽肺患者的发病工龄、发病年龄、病程及死亡年龄进行分析。结果 随着时间的推移,铀矿接尘人员的发病工龄、发病年龄、病程及死亡年龄均延长。地质系统的矽肺Ⅰ期患者的发病工龄、发病年龄分别为(10.15±5.95)年、(40.60±9.86)岁,短于矿山系统的患者[(14.23±8.12)年、(41.38±10.98)岁];地质系统的矽肺Ⅰ期患者的病程(P50)及死亡年龄分别为14.29年及(53.69±10.04)岁,长于矿山系统的患者[12.52年及(51.45±10.85)岁]。纯铀矿的矽肺Ⅰ期患者的发病工龄为(11.78±8.06)年,发病年龄为(38.04±9.89)岁,短于混铀矿的患者[(12.74±6.29)年、(41.40±10.67)岁];纯铀矿的矽肺Ⅰ期患者的病程(P50)为14.59年,死亡年龄为(53.93±10.60)岁,均长于混铀矿的患者[13.20年、(51.82±10.20)岁]。结论地质系统与矿山系统、纯铀矿及混铀矿接尘者矽肺发生情况的差别可能与所接触粉尘的理化性质及各自的工作环境有关。
Objective To understand the laws and characteristics of silicosis incidence of the workers exposed to the uranium dust from 1956 to 2002. Methods The length of employment, age of occurrence of silicosis, and its duration and death age were compared between the uranium miners and uranium geological prospecting teams,and also between the miners exposed to uranium dust and those exposed to mixed uranium dust by single factor analysis method. Results With time going on, the length of employment, age of occurrence of disease and its duration and death age were prolonged respectively in the workers exposed to uranium dust. The length of employment and age of occurrence of disease in uranium geological prospecting teams [(10.15 ± 5.95) and (40. 60 ± 9.86)years respectively] were shorter than those in uranium miners[(14. 23 ± 8. 12) and (41.38 ± 10.98) years] ,but the duration(P50) and death age were Ionger[(l4.29 years vs 12.52 years) ,(53 .69 ± 10.04)years vs (51.45 ± 10.85)years respectively] .The length of employment and age of occurrence of disease in those exposed to uranium dust only[(11.78 ±8.06) and (38.04±9.89)years] were shorter than those exposed to mixed urani-um dust[(12.74±6.29) years ,(41.40± 10.67) years ], but the duration ( P50) and death age were longer than the mixed uranium dust ones[(14.59 years vs 13.20 years), (53 .93 ± 10.60)years vs (51.82± 10.20)years]. Conclusion The difference in the occurrence of silicosis in the workers exposed to uranium dust may be attributed to the physical and chemical character of the uranium dust and the different working circumstance.
Chinese Journal of Industrial Hygiene and Occupational Diseases