目的 :探讨去势治疗对前列腺癌患者骨密度 (BMD)的影响。 方法 :4 9例完成BMD测定的前列腺癌患者分为 2组 :非去势组 2 1例 ,在去势治疗前即已完成BMD测定 ;去势组 2 8例 ,均为去势治疗 1年以上者。BMD测定采用双能X线吸收法 (DEXA法 ) ,测定部位为腰椎 (L2~ 4)和股骨颈。为校正年龄、性别和体重因素对BMD的影响 ,与年龄、种族等相配对的Z评分被用于结果评估。 结果 :13例 (6 2 % )非去势组患者和 2 3例 (82 % )去势组患者均存在不同程度的BMD水平下降。在非去势组 ,腰椎 (L2~ 4)Z评分为 - (0 .9± 0 .7)分 ,股骨颈Z评分为 - (0 .6± 0 .5 )分 ;而在去势组 ,腰椎 (L2~ 4)Z评分为 - (1.8± 1.1)分 ,股骨颈Z评分为 - (1.6± 1.0 )分。与非去势组相比 ,去势组患者BMD水平明显偏低 ,差异有显著性 (P <0 .0 1)。 结论 :去势治疗前 ,前列腺癌患者常伴有不同程度的骨量减少和骨质疏松 ,去势治疗与前列腺癌患者BMD水平下降明显相关。在对前列腺癌患者采用去势治疗之前 ,BMD测定是必要的。
Objective: To determine the influence of androgen deprivation therapy (ADT) on bone mineral density (BMD) in men with prostate cancer. Methods: Forty-nine men with prostate cancer underwent BMD determination and then were classified into two groups: non-ADT group (21 cases), who were about to receive ADT, and ADT group (28 cases), who had received ADT for more than 1 year. BMD was determined by dual energy X-ray absorptiometry(DEXA) in the lumbar spine(L 2-4) and femoral neck in all the patients. The Age-Matched Z scores were used as the reference standard for controlling the difference of age, sex and weight. Results: Thirteen (62%) of the non-ADT group and 23(82%) of the ADT group fulfilled the BMD criteria for osteopenia or osteoporosis. Z scores for the Age-Matched control in the lumbar spine and femoral neck were -( 0.9± 0.7) and -( 0.6± 0.5) in the non-ADT group, and -( 1.8± 1.1) and -( 1.6± 1.0) in the ADT group, respectively(P< 0.01). The men of the ADT group had significantly lower BMD in the lumbar spine and femoral neck than those of the non-ADT group. Conclusion: Pre-existing osteopenia and osteoporosis are common in men with prostate cancer before ADT. ADT is significantly associated with the loss of BMD and the evaluation of BMD is necessary before ADT for men with prostate cancer.
National Journal of Andrology
prostate cancer
androgen deprivation therapy
bone mineral density