在实验室里对已经实现工业化生产的Boltorn H30超支化聚酯进行季铵化改性,合成了超支化聚合物杀菌剂,每个分子末端的理论季铵官能团数是32个,分子结构经FT-IR和NMR(1H、13C)表征得到了证实。杀菌性能评价结果表明,超支化聚合物杀菌剂(H30N12)对革兰氏阴性菌的杀灭能力是十二烷基三甲基氯化铵(1231)的10倍,对革兰氏阳性菌的杀灭能力也强于1231,是一种高效快速的杀菌剂。季铵憎水链所含碳原子个数越少,杀菌性能越好,含8个碳原子的杀菌剂H30N8最强,含16个碳原子的杀菌剂H30N16最弱。
Hyperbranched polymeric bactericides were prepared by hyperbranched polyester, Boltorn H30, modified through quaternization in the laboratory. The hyperbranched polymeric bactericides theoretically have 32 quarternary ammonium functional groups at the periphery of each molecular. The structure was characterized by FT-IR and NMR (1H and 13C) measurements. The initial studies on bactericidal effect showed that the said bactericides were highly potent and rapid. The hyperbranched polymeric bactericides ( H30N12) were one order of magnitude more potent than dodecyltrimethyl ammonium chloride against Gram-negative bacteria, and the former were also more effective than the latter against Gram-positive bacteria. Bactericidal activity was the highest with the shortest chain. Hyperbranched polymeric bactericides with C8 chain (H30N8) were the most effective, while bactericides with C16 chain (H30N16) were the least active.
Petroleum Processing and Petrochemicals