对2.5~6个月先天性巨结肠病儿13例术前及术后第1、3、5、10天抽静脉血检测T淋巴细胞亚群和体液免疫动态观察。结果 术前及术后IgG、IgA、IgM体液免疫指标均明显升高,至术后第10天仍处于较高水平,尚未恢复正常.而T淋巴细胞亚群术前及术后均较正常儿低,CD2术前及术后均较正常值明显低,术后第10天恢复正常,而CD4和CD8术前及术后变化不大,比值基本恒定。提示细胞免疫受抑制较轻,体液免疫术后处于较高水平。
Dynamic determinations of peripheral blood T-lymphocyte subgroups and hu-moral immunity at pcriopcrative stage and 1st, 3rd, 5th, 10th day after operation were performed in 13 age 2. 5 to 6 months infants with congenital megacolon. The results showed that the blood levels of I gG, IgA, IgM increased significantly during pre-and postoperation stages. Even on the 10th day after operation, the levels of these immunoglobins still remained abonormaly high. The values of T-lymphocytes subgroups during perioperative stage were lower than those of the nomal infants. The value of CD2 was significantly lower than normal, and it recovered to normal value on the 10th day after operation. There were not much changes in the values of CD4 and CD8 during peri-and post-operation stages. Their ratio was rather constant. This study showed that there was only slight inhibition of the cellular immunity after operation, while the immunoglobins of the hu-moral immunity remained at rather high levels after operation.
Journal of Coloproctological Surgery