目的 探讨Neo Sensitab纸片法检测酵母菌对酮康唑的敏感性及与美国国家临床实验室标准化委员会 (NCCLS)的微量稀释法的符合率。方法 采用Rosco酵母真菌药敏纸片对 4 2株常见临床分离的酵母菌作了检测 ,同时根据NCCLS的M 2 7A方案采用微量稀释法测定了对酮康唑的最小抑菌浓度 (MIC) ,并对结果作比较分析。结果 Neo Sensitab抗真菌药敏纸片法与微量稀释法检测的 4 2株致病酶母菌对酮康唑的敏感性符合率为 95 .2 4 %。结论 Neo Sensitab抗真菌药敏纸片法具有操作简便、观察时间短、成本低廉等优点 ,在临床具有良好的实用性 ,能及时为临床医生在选择治疗方案时提供参考。
Objective To explore the accordance of Neo-Sensitabs disc diffusion method for yeast susceptibility testing with broth microdilution method. Methods Forty-two strains of pathogenic yeasts isolated from various superficial mycosis specimen were detected by Neo-Sensitabs disc diffusion method and broth microdilution according to M-27A protocol recommended by NCCLS. Their results were analyzed with comparative study method. Results The agreement rate for Neo-Sensitabs disc diffusion method with broth microdilution method was 95.24% . Conclusions Neo-Sensitabs disc diffusion method is simple,rapid and of low cost. It is useful for laboratory screening testing.
Laboratory Medicine