针对塔河油田T6 2井进行测试压裂井温测井的施工 ,认为深井测试压裂时 ,防喷装置和下井仪的配置应增加阻流管数量 ,配备足够加重杆 ,准备耐高压下井仪 ,并尽量减少下井仪接头。讨论了运用时间推移测试井温曲线对资料解释结果的影响。分析认为应在条件许可时 ,挤压完压井液后 ,尽早测井及运用时间推移测井多测几条曲线 ,有利于判断压裂效果。
To the operation of temperature logging with test and fracture in T62 well of Tahe oilfield,it is thought that,during test and fracture to deep wells,BOP and down hole instruments should be equipped much quantity of chock pipes,adequate weight bars and instruments against high temperature and reduce the connectors.The paper discusses the influence to data interpretation results by using time process test for temperature curves.It is concluded that,under permissive condition,conducing logging as soon as possible and measuring many curves by time process logging after the completed fluid has been squeezed are benefit to judge the fracture effect.
Well Testing