经对压裂后地层传热规律、地层内温度分布规律、地层温度分布特征分析认为 ,在一定条件下测得的压后井温曲线的拐点 ,可以代表垂直裂缝的边界 ,使确定垂直裂缝高度转化为确定压后井温曲线的拐点问题。通过逐一确定井温曲线拐点达到确定裂缝高度的目的。利用最小二乘法可以确定井温曲线拐点深度 ,从而可以解释垂直裂缝高度。解释缝高不仅可以检测压裂效果 ,而且可以判别压裂层之间是否窜通。
By analysis to heat inducting principle,temperature distribution law and feature of formation after being fractured,it is thought that the inflexion of temperature curves measured under condition of post-fracture may present the boundary of vertical cracks which turn question to determining vertical crack height to getting inflexion of temperature curves.By use of minimum quadratic multiplication the inflexion depth to temperature curve can determined that can interpret the vertical crack height.The results can't only check fracture effect,but also judge whether the fractured layers are communicated or not.
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